Our Story

Better performance through better board governance

Our Goal

We believe that strong, effective boards help management make better decisions. That means improved strategic performance, ‘doing the right thing’ through strong values and ethics and considering the interests of the many stakeholders affected by any organisation.

At Independent Audit, we are on a mission to help boards lead complex organisations through effective governance that generates long-term value for shareholders, employees, and the communities they serve.

We provide common sense evaluations and advice to help make boards work better.

Who We Are

Since 2002, we have seen hundreds of boards in action and have built a deep understanding of board governance best practice.

Our lead consultants have widely varied backgrounds in professional firms as auditors, risk consultants and lawyers – as well as from industry and regulators. Because of the diversity of our experience, we bring deeper and more well-rounded perspectives to our reviews.

We share a passion for what we do and actively share our insights. Our guidance and monthly publication The Effective Board is available to all. We’re proud of our innovative thinking and committed to making governance better.

How We Work

We want to make sure any board regardless of location, size or maturity has access to tools to conduct effective, impactful board evaluations that will help take its performance to the next level.

We bring proven approaches to board evaluation to meet your needs at every stage of the evaluation cycle. Whatever the approach, the goal is to help your board make a difference in how your organisation performs and benefits others.

Our Board Effectiveness Model

There are many influences on effectiveness. We built the Independent Audit Board Effectiveness Model to look at these influences in a structured way.

This model provides clients with a clear structure through which to evaluate board performance and track effectiveness over time.

Our model distinguishes between ‘What the Board does’ and ‘How the Board does it’. Within each area, we focus on six categories that are critical to board effectiveness.

Within these categories are many other influences, including how people interact, how the board’s activity brings value, and how the board’s work helps achieve your governance objectives.

But the model provides that simple framework needed to organise that thinking.

The Board

We offer solutions for independent external board reviews across all types of organisations – and also for your internal reviews.

Board Committees

We bring unique specialist expertise in all areas of board committee work, enabling deeper dives and actionable insights.

Groups & Subsidiaries

We help complex groups make sure subsidiary boards are working well and that local entity boards meet regulatory and good governance standards.

With decades of experience, our team understands what makes boards work better.

Over 400 Board Effectiveness Reviews Globally


Reviews of FTSE 100 companies


Full interview-based reviews


Reviews for financial services companies


Externally facilitated via Thinking Board

Audit Effectiveness and Risk Management

Our experience extends beyond board evaluation to help you evaluate audit and risk management. We have the deep, specialised knowledge required for reviewing the effectiveness of internal audit, external audit, and your risk framework and culture.

Board Effectiveness Guidance

Let us help build the right solution for your board.

Ready to speak to a board evaluation specialist?

Learn how we help boards to become more effective and have a bigger impact on strategic performance.