Webinar: Better Executive Reports

Webinar: Better Executive Reports

Better executive reports for better board discussions

Non-executives often complain about the quality of executive reporting to the Board, and the volume of material they have to digest. Yet, they often find it hard to clarify exactly what they need from executives. On the other hand, executives get frustrated at spending hours preparing board papers that are not read and are deemed to be not fit for purpose.

If you missed our webinar with OnBoard, hosted by Susan Stenson, Steven Page, and Martyn Chapman, you can access the recording here. The discussion addressed key questions, including:

  • Do you really know why you are writing a board report?
  • How can the CEO report help the Board to focus on the main strategic issues?
  • How can you structure a paper to ensure you get what you need from the Board?
  • Why don’t positive changes always stick and what can you do about it?

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