It’s tough at the top What makes a good Chair: a look at the many different skills needed... 01 November, 2020
A more strategic role for the Company Secretary The Board can help the Company Secretary add more strategic value... 01 October, 2020
Looking ahead post-pandemic Boards need to think ahead to the post-pandemic environment... 01 September, 2020
Decision-making in a virtual world Making sure of sound governance around decision-making in a virtual meeting world... 01 July, 2020
Risk management, control and COVID-19 Audit & Risk Committees need to make sure risk and control remain solid in the COVID-19 environment... 01 June, 2020
Rethink and reshape the way you work Virtual meetings mean a different focus - and that means changing the agenda and papers... 01 May, 2020
Cyber risk questions the Board needs to ask about COVID-19 Boards need to be asking about changing risks and controls with COVID-19 and Working From Home... 01 April, 2020
Making virtual board meetings work well Virtual board meetings need different ways of working... 01 March, 2020
The temperature rises in the boardroom Environmental challenges and the strategic response need to be higher up board agendas... 01 February, 2020
Assessing external audit effectiveness Audit Committees need to take a structured approach to looking at external audit... 01 January, 2020