The Board and the Company Secretary: Checklist Checklist: Questions for the Board to ask about developing the Company Secretary's role... 30 October, 2020
A more strategic role for the Company Secretary The Board can help the Company Secretary add more strategic value... 01 October, 2020
Looking ahead post-pandemic: Checklist This is undoubtedly a busy and trying time for boards... 30 September, 2020
Looking ahead post-pandemic Boards need to think ahead to the post-pandemic environment... 01 September, 2020
Decision-making in virtual meetings: Checklist Checklist: Thinking through the Board's decision-making in a virtual meeting environment... 28 July, 2020
Decision-making in a virtual world Making sure of sound governance around decision-making in a virtual meeting world... 01 July, 2020
Working as a subsidiary board: Checklist Checklist: Thinking through the different role of a subsidiary board... 26 June, 2020
Risk management, control and COVID-19 Audit & Risk Committees need to make sure risk and control remain solid in the COVID-19 environment... 01 June, 2020
Agendas and papers for virtual meetings: Checklist Different agenda structures and different board packs are needed for virtual board meetings... 27 May, 2020