Is your risk management truly effective? The Audit Committee needs to look at the impact of risk management, not just the process... 01 January, 2017
Subsidiary boards – it’s not that simple All too often the effectiveness of governance in subsidiary companies can be an afterthought... 01 November, 2016
Dealing with Uncertainty Thinking through what might happen needs better scenario decision and board time... 01 October, 2016
In danger of being caught short? A lot companies are getting into the habit of planning their board reviews earlier... 01 September, 2016
Remuneration Committees: Avoiding the pitfalls It's easy for the RemCo to get things wrong given the spotlight and the complexities... 01 August, 2016
The best way to assess organisational culture Highlights from our research for the FRC on what boards are doing around "culture"... 01 July, 2016
Innovative Innovation Boards talk about the vital importance of innovation but does it get enough focus... 01 June, 2016
Remuneration Committees again on the front line The RemCo needs to think through its strategic approach as getting it wrong can be costly... 01 May, 2016
The Nominations Committee: not so easy after all The NomCO role is complex and is not just about succession planning... 01 April, 2016